I want propose a new theory on the mechanism through which psychedelics work. I've talked about this somewhat before, but I'm reworking my theory.
First let us consider DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid. The building block of all life. Yes it codes proteins and does all of these mundane scientific procedures, but it also seems to act as a conduit or antenna for consciousness. It has also been shown to both create and store bio-photons. That means our bodies, our DNA, are creating light and also reacting to the light coming toward us. However, humans can only perceive a very small slice of the entirety of electromagnetic fields. We can only sense "visible" light. It turns out that the portion of what we can see consists of only 3% of everything that surrounds us. We only sense 3% of reality! And in conjunction with this finding, we have learned that scientists have deemed only 3% of our DNA as being functional, while the other 97% is classified as junk. And another interesting correlation is that in space, only 3% of "stuff" can be identified... the rest being classifies as dark matter/dark energy.
I propose that due to the way our bodies have evolved, only 3% of our DNA is activated. This, I suppose, is because our senses only give us 3% of all information out there. And thus, our DNA can only produce bio-photons withing that range.
The range that is just beyond our physical sensing abilities is the ultraviolet spectrum. This just so happens to the type of light and bio-photons that Psychedelics have been proven to produce. These substances are also crystalline in nature, thus have the ability to reflect light.
Mushrooms, LSD, LSA, DMT all exhibit these properties.
There are two ways to look at this. The first theory is that, once ingested, the chemicals reach the brain and start traveling through the neural network. As they are traveling, they are also producing these bio photons. However, these photons are beyond our range of perception. UV light, even though we can't normally see it, still exists. I suggest that in this first view, the photons of the psychedelic are bathing/feeding our DNA a new type of light. This new type of light activates portions of our DNA that are not usually able to be read and thus our perceptions are open to realms that are 100& proven to exists, but only on a higher plane outside of human sensation. So, the light from the psychedelic is fed into our DNA (which has been proven to store light and energy) awakening realms not usually known. In essence, we are just reading our own DNA through a different set of eyes.. from a different perspective. Our DNA holds the clue of how to perceive outside realms that exist all around us. it just has to be activated.
Another theory is that because the chemicals are crystalline, they reflect light. So maybe our own bio photons are hitting the chemicals, and being reflected back at their source, thus opening different sections of our DNA. As we know, once hit with light, crystals also refract light and cut it up into different wavelengths. So, it might be that our own light is being reflected back to us at different wavelengths and thus activating different portions of our DNA not usually accessible. I think that our "normal" neurotransmitters have evolved and developed to only reflect that 3% of all available electromagnetic wavelengths that i talked about.
Its also interesting to observe that once this new light is fed into us it becomes toroidal in nature, feeding itself. DNA is toroidal as well. So either it triggers us to start making more of this type of light ourselves, or our dna is just a vessel in which the light is placed and can facilitate this new light cycle. But one thing is for certain, these experiences keep feeding themselves with light until the chemicals start to go away.
this is why we get different experiences from different psychedelics. ayahuasca opens us to the plant and animal worlds. lsd and mushrooms open us to our own artistic abilities. DMT apparently opens us to the insectoid realm... and, of course, there is much spill over from all the different realms.
Since we share 97% of our dna with our closest relatives, and DNA is made up of exactly the same stuff in every living thing, we can therefore assume that the knowledge of every other living thing is written directly into us. and this statement could be easily written off, but it has been in fact proven by the universality of psychedelic experiences. There is a commonality amongst all who partake. and those people all talk about how they enter the spirit realm, encounter plant spirits, animal spirits, etc. And the information exchanged is tangible, its real. And it has been applied. Look at Google. Its a giant network that looks exactly like mycelia.
these medicines/tools are letting us read our own dna. they all activate a very similar section of dna, but with varying differences.
we read our own dna with the light which we produce.
If we think of as above, so below, we've only been talking about the microcosm of reality. We are but one harmonic fractal iteration of an infinite whole.
Synchronicity is a proven aspect of our reality. Psychedelics can unleash a waterfall of synchronicity and and create a synchronistic mind set
Considering the dark matter/dark energy conundrum, I think maybe that our "reality," our universe as we know it, is thus just a 3% slice (or 3 dimensional slice) of everything out there. So i think that with these medicines we can learn to activate 100% of this 3 dimensional reality, and thus open ourselves, or reach closer, to a fourth dimensional reality.
They are tools which we can use to prep ourselves to a rise to fourth dimensionality by awakening ourselves to ourselves.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Text from Source.
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10:01 PM
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